At Central Ohio Periodontics, we recommend LAPIP® when we consult with a patient who is experiencing problems with a dental implant.

What is the Laser-Assisted Peri-Implantitis (LAPIP®Procedure?

Dental implants are a very common, highly successful procedure for most patients. However, on rare occasions, a patient may experience inflammation called peri-implantitis. This type of inflammation affects the bone and soft tissues that surround the dental implant. If peri-implantitis is left untreated, it can lead to the breakdown of hard and soft tissues around the dental implant.

Laser-Assisted Peri-Implantitis, also known as LAPIP®, is a treatment method Dr. Sakamoto uses to eliminate peri-implantitis.

The LAPIP® Procedure at Central Ohio Periodontics

During the LAPIP® procedure, Dr. Sakamoto will use a laser to deep clean and “sanitize” the areas of the mouth that are inflamed or affected. He may also reshape or reconstruct soft and hard tissues near the dental implant, if necessary. After the procedure, Dr. Sakamoto may prescribe medication and outline specific cleaning techniques, to speed the healing process at home. 

How do you know if you are a candidate for peri-Implantitis?

While most patients enjoy a lifetime of health with their dental implants, there are a few signs that you may be experiencing peri-implantitis.  Feel free to contact Central Ohio Periodontics if you are experiencing any of the symptoms or issues below:

  • Swelling in the gums
  • Change in gum color, sensitivity or pain near the dental implant
  • Bleeding gums while brushing or flossing
  • Implant mobility or exposure
  • Secretions near the surrounding tissue of the dental implant

If you are interested in learning if LAPIP® is right for you, contact us today at  614-575-0070 or  We welcome you to our office and encourage you to schedule your appointment today! 

Our mission is to help our patients live healthier lives. Your comfort and health are our first priority. Your beautiful smile is always our goal.